Status update of the project EU-READ&ART December 2022 – Internal Newsletter 7

The first European digital library  

of book trailers and adult creativity expressions 

Internal Newsletter 

State of the art of the project 

Hello EU-READ&ART partners, 

What is the best way to prepare for the upcoming holidays if not celebrating the progress of our digital library? 

I’m glad to announce that we reached the number of 291 book trailers, and that also the number of blog posts has increased to 78! 

As usual, find below the detailed performance of each partner. I added in brackets how many more trailers and posts there were compared to the last update. 

N° of Book trailers published per partner 

JUMP 35 (+4) 

ACADEMIA 34 (+15) 


CPIA 29 (+11) 


VHS 69 (+0)

SOLUTION 15 (+2) 

N° of Blog posts published per partner 

JUMP 42 (+4) 



CPIA 16 (+7) 


VHS 1 (+0) 

SOLUTION 1 (+1) 


News from partners 

Our project was presented at adult education session during the 35th anniversary of Erasmus+ Closing event in Brussels by two librarians from Ignalina! 

In case you missed it…Check out the gallery and the video of the Reading Lab organized at CPIA’s premises in Taranto! 

The cooperation started in August between JUMP and the association of adult learners SmartLab Europe is producing results: finally online the first book trailer The library on the hill of Alba Donati and many more to come!


News on the website 

Take a look at the 10 most popular book trailers 


News on the blog 

Check out the latest articles published on our blog 

A simple author for a simple book written by CPIA 

Kids Games from our Old Readers written by Greek Cultural Institute 

Under the sign of the dragon written by CPIA 

The summer of my life written by CPIA 

A painful childhood written by CPIA 

A woman between two worlds written by CPIA 

The garden of love written by CPIA 

We are waiting for Christmas with new books written by Ignalina District Public Library

Provocative and intriguing experiences of Ignalinians in the town of Soverato written by Ignalina District Public Library

REUNION. The story of a friendship, a lesson for humankind. written by JUMP


Don’t forget to follow and share our facebook page and youtube channel 

Happy holidays! 


Project financed by the Erasmus Plus Program 

EC Project Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035334\1 

Period of implementation: 2020 – 2023