The first European digital library
of book trailers and adult creativity expressions
Internal Newsletter
State of the art of the project
Hello EU-READ&ART partners,
I am here with our monthly appointment to update you with the progress of our digital library of book trailers and creative expressions.
Since the last update in October, the number of book trailers has increased to 252! While the number of blog posts has increased to 60, there are still some partners who haven’t posted one single time. It’s important that each one of us adds articles related to their book trailers (1 book trailer – 1 article) and related to the local implementation which is connected with the reading labs. Extra articles can also be on other topics about reading. EU initiatives, programs etc. Let’s try to improve this aspect before the end of the year!
As usual, find below the detailed performance of each partner. I added in brackets how many more trailers and posts there were compared to the last update sent in order to track our productivity.
N° of Book trailers published per partner
JUMP 31 (+9)
ACADEMIA 19 (+8)
CPIA 18 (+7)
VHS 69 (+0)
SOLUTION 13 (+0)
N° of Blog posts published per partner
JUMP 37 (+14)
CPIA 9 (+9)
VHS 1 (+0)
News from partners
Check out the video report of the LTT1 in Soverato and results of the survey sent to the participants. Report of TPM1 in Ignalina and TPM2 in Paris incoming!
While we wait for the other partners to upload the pictures of their local activities, enjoy the galleries of our TPM2 in Paris and the reading labs organized by JUMP, Solution and Greek cultural institute!
Don’t forget to fill the 2 excel files for yearly reporting in the folders REPORTING/MONITORING and COMMUNICATION/PROMOTION/DISSEMINATION within 1/12/2022
News on the website
Let me remind you that the section Let’s book Trailer is open to everyone and continuously updated!
Docs page containing the report of all the activities implemented is going to be created by our Webmaster
We made it possible for you to research the trailers entering your name/surname. Remember to go back to your earlier book trailers and add your name!
News on the blog
Check out the last 10 articles published on our blog!
Cats will rule the world!!! written by CPIA
Memories of a mission in Uganda written by JUMP
“To Kill a Mockingbird”, a book trailer made by an aunt and niece written by JUMP “The secret letters club”: a book which help readers to rediscover the pleasure to receive letters written by JUMP
“I got back on the train”. The book of a doctor that you would never expect written by JUMP The power of ideas: Malala Yousafzai written by CPIA
A strange man in a strange world written by CPIA
His world is a ship…music is his love written by CPIA
And the stars are watching… written by CPIA
Don’t forget to follow and share our facebook page and youtube channel
Thanks for your time and effort
Project financed by the Erasmus Plus Program
EC Project Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035334\1
Period of implementation: 2020 – 2023