The first European digital library
of book trailers and adult creativity expressions
Internal Newsletter
State of the art of the project
Hello again EU-READ&ART partners,
It’s a pleasure having to reconnect with you again. I’m here to send you an update for you to keep up with the progress of our digital library. There has been a lot of activity lately!
In fact as for the number of book trailers, we reached 177 items published. Find below the numbers for each partner. I added in brackets how many more trailers there were compared to the last update sent in order to track our productivity.
N° of Book trailers published per partner
JUMP 20 (+6)
ACADEMIA 11 (+11)
CPIA 9 (+0)
VHS 69 (+28)
SOLUTION 13 (+11)
News from partners
Find the Reading Lab Report created by Alessia Simonetti, Trainer and Reader Team Leader, in our shared folder “REPORTING/MONITORING”. A useful training kit which can be considered a model for each partner who will organize reading labs within our project.
Find here the video of our blended mobility Let’s BOOK TRAILER” – Training for Readers Team Leaders with extracts of our past meetings on ZOOM. JUMP is now training associated partners thanks to this experience, check this out! JUMP is training associated partners: Smart Lab Europe
We are very excited for the incoming LTT1 in Soverato on the days 12- 16 of September 2022! It will be a milestone of our project and a learning mobility where it will be possible to share moments for adult learners covering the topics of culture (Greek Cultural Institute), art expressions (Solution), and video making (Academia), guiding learners to improve their transversal competences. Make sure you fill all the documents and see you soon!
News on the blog
Libraries In Villages – But Unfortunately Not In Greece written by Greek Cultural Institute Make your own book trailer with EU-Read&Art Trainings written by JUMP
Make your own book trailer with EU-Read&Art Trainings written by JUMP
Everyone can become a creator written by Ignalina Public Library
A taste of European literature written by JUMP
JUMP is training associated partners: Smart Lab Europe written by JUMP
Don’t forget to follow and share our facebook page and youtube channel
Thanks for your time and effort
Project financed by the Erasmus Plus Program
EC Project Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035334\1
Period of implementation: 2020 – 2023