“ Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding” – Lloyd Alexander
Why reading fantasy ? Because it can stimulate creativity and widen vocabulary. A recent study says that reading science fiction and fantasy can help readers make sense of the world and may expand their ability to engage reality based on science.There are five good reasons to read fantasy : 1.Expand your imagination; 2. Escape reality ; 3. Comprehend reality ; 4. Empathy ; 5. Hope.
Fantasy prompts young readers to play at seeing the world in different ways and teaches them to construct meaning by making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts or things. It is important also for adults : it provides a momentary escape, a release. It helps increase the potential of one’s imagination to solve life’s problems.
Starting from these assumptions, Cpia1 Taranto realized two booktrailers concerning Fantasy : ‘La Sirena di Bellaere’ (The Mermaid from Bellaere) by Maria Diletta Veluti and ‘Il Bacio della Buonanotte’ (Good Night Kiss) by Francesco Dimitri. Students loved reading these two really different books and enjoyed researching some meaningful images. The final touch was the choice of the right music to create suspense and adrenaline during the vision of the booktrailers. Mermaids, Knights, Monsters came to life thanks to the drawings of the most gifted students. For all, reading was an opportunity to get in touch with a new literary genre so popular in these troubled times.