Natale con i tuoi… PASQUA con chi vuoi!

This post is based on the book “Natale con i tuoi… Riti, tradizioni, credenze, processioni, ricette, favole e leggende del Natale tarantino dal 22 novembre al 6 gennaio”; this book is a collection of fables, legends, myths and of course recipes of the Taranto Christmas tradition, that starts on November 22 and finishes on January 6. However Taranto is a city of strong and old traditions shared by ordinary people and there isn’t only Christmas. This rooted cultural background reflects into cooking special recipes on exceptional occasions such as the big festivities. Easter is one of the most important for the community. During the Holy Week the city is filled with unusual colours and smells of typical food. The most typical Easter sweets are the “PUPA” (a sort of doll) and the “SCARCELLA” (a dove-shaped big biscuit). They are made of shortcrust pastry, decorated and baked with a boiled egg embedded in the middle. The biscuit is eaten first, little by little, leaving the egg at the end. Delicious. This tradition must be passed down through generations!


Giuseppe Laviola



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