News reports show us how, unfortunately, immigration has become a daily drama. However, beyond the political questions and other aspects, however fundamental, such as those of reception and integration, we forget too often that behind everything there are essentially human problems: stories of violence, pain, suffering, yet full of expectations and trust.

La FRONTIERA is a book which, by collecting a series of direct testimonies of people who have faced the journey of hope towards Europe, does not limit itself to photographing the situation, but delves into human events, the memories of those who made it, the fear, but also a great strength, which prompted them to leave.

Here we feel the duty to define the question for what it is, that is, an eminently political question to deal with in order to understand where a large part of the people who arrive in Italy come from. Obviously behind this indifference there is a historical short circuit, because not mentioning all this in relation to a country that is its own former colony is a sum of collective myopia and poor knowledge of the past.


Certainly there are investigative pages but it is not a journalistic book. The idea is that of constructing a book of literature of reality by trusting, on the one hand, the constraint of non-fiction, but on the other hand building a literary discourse that goes beyond simple journalistic reportage, because I believe that stories told have enormous potential and that the people I’m talking about have the depth of the characters. Certainly, it is difficult to keep the right distance, both for a spirit of solidarity and a spirit of strong compassion with respect to all that the protagonists of the book have undergone.

News reports show us how, unfortunately, immigration has become a daily drama. However, beyond the political questions and other aspects, however fundamental, such as those of reception and integration, we forget too often that behind everything there are essentially human problems: stories of violence, pain, suffering, yet full of expectations and trust.

La FRONTIERA is a book which, by collecting a series of direct testimonies of people who have faced the journey of hope towards Europe, does not limit itself to photographing the situation, but delves into human events, the memories of those who made it, the fear, but also a great strength, which prompted them to leave.

Here we feel the duty to define the question for what it is, that is, an eminently political question to deal with in order to understand where a large part of the people who arrive in Italy come from. Obviously behind this indifference there is a historical short circuit, because not mentioning all this in relation to a country that is its own former colony is a sum of collective myopia and poor knowledge of the past.


Certainly there are investigative pages but it is not a journalistic book. The idea is that of constructing a book of literature of reality by trusting, on the one hand, the constraint of non-fiction, but on the other hand building a literary discourse that goes beyond simple journalistic reportage, because I believe that stories told have enormous potential and that the people I’m talking about have the depth of the characters. Certainly, it is difficult to keep the right distance, both for a spirit of solidarity and a spirit of strong compassion with respect to all that the protagonists of the book have undergone.


Viviana Galluzzo



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