EU-READ&ART travels to Athens for its final learning mobility!

We are pleased to announce an upcoming learning mobility within the EU-READ&ART Project in Greece!

This activity is the final phase of a blended mobility process that started in 2022. The last mobility takes place in Athens where the partner Greek Cultural Institute is responsible for the “School Life and Education Museum” making it the perfect location for the project’s activities. 

The group is composed of a Reader Team Leader, adult learners from various institutions, a video maker trainer, a theater trainer, and an expert in video making. 

The LTT aims to strengthen cooperation among partners, develop new pathways of cooperation and ideas, empower the impact of adult education in Europe, and celebrate project results in a majestic place.

Empowered adult learners, more developed cultural competences, empowered European citizenship and sense of belonging of participants are the expected results.

We wish all the participants a successful and enjoyable LTT in Athens!



Francesca Politi



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