The Girl from the Sea” (“A Menina do Mar”) was published for the first time in 1958. It was Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen’s first short story for children.

Having Granja beach as setting, the reader witnesses a story of friendship (supposedly impossible) between a young boy and the The Girl from the Sea, who will try to overcome their differences, by sharing with each other what moves them and what they are passionate about.

Fernanda Fragateiros’s colourful and vivid illustrations enhance the story in the best way possible.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen was born on the 6th of november of 1919 in Oporto,Portugal,where she spent her childhood.

She was a remarkable woman writer who, in addition to her talent and immense and fundamental literary legacy, earned a series of important distinctions such as the Camões Prize 1999 or the Rainha Sofia Prize for Ibero-American Poetry.

She was an example of civic spirit and opposition to António de Oliveira Salazar, Europe’s longest ruling dictator in the 20th century. She used her writing, especially poetry, to drive social change.

She died on the 2nd of July of 2004, in Lisbon.


A Menina do Mar


Isabel Ribeiro



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