Status update of the project EU-READ&ART March 2022 – Internal Newsletter 1

The first European digital library  

of book trailers and adult creativity expressions 


Internal Newsletter

State of the art of the project 


Hello everyone! 

This is a monthly update for every partner, an overall summary about how the project is going and a reminder for our next appointments with “LET’S BOOK TRAILER”. 

We are making steady progress and everything is set to start contributing with more and more book trailers and blog posts. 


Reports and Updates 

N° of Book trailers published per partner 









News about the project 

How to contribute to the website 

Find your credentials here 

Tutorial on how to upload a book trailer by Pietro S. (Web Master) 

Tutorial on how to publish an article by Pietro S. (Web Master) 


Reminder for the upcoming training sessions “Let’s BOOK TRAILER” 

7/04/2022 at 4-5:30 pm 

14/04/2022 at 4-5:30 pm 

28/04/2022 at 4-5:30 pm 


News on the blog 

The innovative project EU READ&ART written by JUMP Team 

Free training for the creation of book trailers written by JUMP Team 

Classics in 2 Minutes written by JUMP Team 

Reading habits across the world written by JUMP Team 

The Little Prince, more than just a child’s book written by JUMP Team 


Don’t forget to follow and share our facebook page and youtube channel 


Happy reading to all! 


Project financed by the Erasmus Plus Program 

EC Project Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035334\1 

Period of implementation: 2020 – 2023