The team of EU-READ&ART project from Ignalina has already sailed into deeper waters. Having acquired knowledge and experience in the project partner countries, shared the accumulated knowledge and impressions in the fifth largest Lithuanian city Panevėžys, in Panevėžys district municipality public library. Ignalina library team gave training on how to create promotional book trailers digitally, and Loreta Aleknienė, director of the Ignalina Public Library, presented the digital platform developed by all project partners.

The library staff of the whole Panevėžys district got involved in an intensive creative process: solved the given tasks, how to describe the presented book, what illustrative material to choose for an evocative advertisement, how to install all this in the specified apps. Discussions were held in groups, skills were shared and successful work was celebrated.

Employees will further develop the acquired knowledge and pass it on to their readers. In their opinion, this kind of annotation of the book, creating a trailer for the book, using digital skills and technology, would be of particular interest to the young reader. This would also be an opportunity to involve the readers themselves in the creative educational process of creating book trailers.


Lina Raginytė



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