John Green is an American writer born in 1977 in Indianapolis (United States). He is famous thanks to his novel “The Fault in our Stars” that has been adapted in the cinema. Green received many distinctions and awards such as the “100 most influential people in the world” in 2014.

He grew up with his family in Orlando in Florida and decided to move out in Alabama to join a private school. Green graduated in English and Religious studies. After his studies he took up a post as chaplain in a hospital for terminally ill children. However, he soon found himself unsuited to this environment and, six months later, decided to move into literary criticism and radio. He moved to Chicago to join a literary criticism journal, Booklist. During this period, he developed a real passion for literature.
But it was really in 2005 that John Green revealed himself to the general public. He published his first novel “Looking for Alaska”. This is telling the story of a young boy who decides to leave his family home to live in a boarding school in Alabama. For this story, he drew directly on his own experience. The novel quickly became a big success with the young audience, who identified with the hero and his adolescent problems. This was the beginning of a long success for the author.
In 2012, Green wrote “the Fault in our Stars” that was his biggest success because it was adapted in the cinema with Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. Few years later, it’s his book “Paper Towns” that was adapted in the cinema with Cara Delevingne as the main character.