Optimization of the quality in the processing department of a selected company

In the 18th century, organizational structures began to develop in manufacturing companies. Serial production required the optimization of processes in companies, both in production and in support services.

A competitive company is forced to change the production processes by which they achieve efficiency, flexibility and leanness of the production system.

Continuous improvements, optimized process, satisfied employees are proven to reduce labor costs. A company that is aware of its competitive advantages uses lean production methods and tools.

Quality control is a very complex task in manufacturing companies, as it requires a comprehensive approach to organization, management and planning of all production processes. Custom versions have begun to establish themselves all over the world, even Slovenian companies already manage at least one of advanced methods of lean production. The type of method chosen depends on the production needs, which are in line with the production philosophy.

The key to success and the intended goal is a thorough and accurate introduction. Above consistent deployment must be an experienced staff member. Lean manufacturing methods should be familiar to everyone to the employee. Some of the effective approaches to increase quality are the SMED method, process balance and 6-Sigma.

With the intended introduction of lean production methods, I want to show how to increase quality and productivity of the company in the pre-processing department.

By introducing the SMED method and balancing the process, I want to show how to shorten production times times, reduce waste and ensure timely delivery of semi-finished products. 


Vanja Roze



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