Status Update of the project EU-READ&ART February 2023 – Internal Newsletter 8

The first European digital library 

of book trailers and adult creativity expressions

Internal Newsletter

State of the art of the project


Dear EU-READ&ART partners,

This is our monthly check to track and evaluate the progress of our project. Progress tracking is a fantastic way to keep us motivated, consistent, and moving in the right direction.

To date, there are 335 book trailers published on our digital library while on our blog it is possible to find 115 articles among book trailer’s reviews, news from partners and various interesting topics. 

However, there are still partners that need to catch up and be more active on the blog, that is a fundamental part of creating dissemination of the project. 

As usual, find below the detailed performance of each partner. I added in brackets how many more trailers and posts there were compared to the last update.

N° of Book trailers published per partner 

JUMP 43 (+7)

ACADEMIA 34 (+0)


CPIA 43 (+14)


VHS 69 (+0)

SOLUTION 16 (+1)

N° of Blog posts published per partner 

JUMP 57 (+15)



CPIA 34 (+18)


VHS 1 (+0)


News from partners

🆕 Welcome to Nina and Natalija, new team leaders of ACADEMIA


🆕 JUMP is organizing an online training path in February – March 2023 inviting teachers from all over Europe who will be involved in the production of book trailer


🆕The cooperation between JUMP and the and the associated partner “Third Age University” of Soverato is moving forward. Read more on our blog!


News on the website

💻New and improved search filters in the blog and book trailers sections in order to search items per partners and different categories


💻 New section “Docs&Report” where it is possible to find all the reports developed during the implementation of the project so far


💻 Did you miss one of our newsletters? They are all available in the new Newsletters section of our website in order to be consulted any time!


News on the blog

Check out the latest articles published on our blog

💬Welcome to Nina and Natalija, new team leaders of ACADEMIA written by JUMP

💬Storie della buonanotte per bambine ribelli written by CPIA

💬L’università di Rebibbia written by CPIA

💬Poesie – Jacques Prévert written by CPIA

💬Blue is the sky, Blue is the sea, Blue is her skin. written by CPIA

💬A new book trailer born from the cooperation between JUMP and the associated partner “Third Age University” of Soverato written by JUMP

💬Life in Ashes & Merkourios Aytzis written by Greek Cultural Institute

💬Dimitris Kostopoulos: The Chalk – A “melodrama” between History and Fiction written by Greek Cultural Institute

💬Reading a Nobel Prize… If the Old Could of Doris Lessing written by JUMP

💬A Girl Named Carla: Growing means losing a part of oneself written by JUMP


Don’t forget to follow and share our facebook page and youtube channel


Keep up the good work!




Project financed by the Erasmus Plus Program

EC Project Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035334\1

Period of implementation: 2020 – 2023