“MITI E LEGGENDE DELL’ETA’ CLASSICA” is an excellent book to discover the tales of the past. It is specially designed for a young audience. Myths were born and spread by ancient peoples, to explain natural phenomena (the origin of the universe, fire, constellations, wind, rain…). Even if they seem unlikely stories to us, ancient peoples, lacking scientific knowledge and instruments, believed that they were true stories. Mythological tales, as we know, are characterized by incredible adventures, prodigious creatures and fascinating situations, with men and gods as protagonists.

The latter, with their power, govern everything, but are limited in their power by Fate, to whose will everyone must submit. The gods, despite being immortal beings and endowed with extraordinary powers, just like men, are passionate and sentimental, in fact they rejoice, suffer and are also vengeful and jealous.

. In the book we find the stories of the great deities of Greek and Roman culture, such as: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Ares, Apollo, Aphrodite…. But alongside the stories, heroes are also celebrated; these are men born from a mortal and a divinity, therefore they are demigods, they are: Heracles, Theseus, Perseus, Jason, Achilles and Ulysses. Maria Paoli, author of the book, has collected in a single book a series of mythological stories, addressed to a young audience, in fact the writing is youthful.


Eleonora Saracista



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