John Patrick McEnroe is doubtlessly the man who changed the tennis world tradition. What once was the self-restrained and elitist game of the upper classes was then doomed to become an amazing TV show a mass audience would pay for. But beyond his endless and legendary quarrel with the referee on duty, McEnroe put in the play his impressive and surprising talent. Every shot was a coup de théâtre and every ball too close to the line, a show within the show. And there were his counterparts too. His matches against Björn Borg, Jimmy Connors, Andre Agassi, Pat Cash and last but not least Ivan Lendl are simply legendary. Moreover, McEnroe is a rock guitarist as well. He recorded a famous Led Zeppelin cover with a bunch of famous rockstars. However, beyond the tennis player and the rocker, is the man. He has always been invited to those jet-set parties where he reluctantly went, not being addicted to the night life fever. In this biography John McEnroe tells about the turning point of his career, the crucial moments of his most important games and the nicest anectodes of his life, such as when he was in a hotel room and one of those exclusive parties was taking place downstairs. John was playing his guitar when someone knoked his door. It was David Bowie, who said: “Hey Mac, come down and have a drink with us… and ehm, please don’t bring your guitar!”. This book is simply amazing, I’m serious.
“The Open era had brought personalities into the game, and personality was generating media exposure, which was generating more money”. John McEnroe.