Internal and external accounting for smaller companies and the importance of timely information

Entrepreneurship is people. People with different visions, goals and values. Just as we are different as humans, we are different as entrepreneurs. Some of us are entrepreneurs with a heart and soul, others by force of situation. I can’t judge which ones are more successful, but every individual has their own goal and their own plan for how they will achieve it.

Each entrepreneur needs a good accounting support, which acts as an important information feature for the well-being of the company. Entrepreneur and accounting must work in a coordinated and coherent way. For an entrepreneur, the information of his accounting department is essential, as it is often the only light and indicator for him how to lead the company into the future, how to proceed in order to achieve previously set goals.

Accounting work and tasks are mostly assigned to qualified professionals in the field of accounting by entrepreneurs. If they choose a reliable, precise and educated expert as an accountant, they are reassured, as they will perform their task conscientiously and with a great measure of responsibility and confidentiality. The accountant, with their professionalism, responsibility, diligence, realness and honesty, ensures that the accounting information they give to the entrepreneur is on time, accurate and reliable. Most entrepreneurs make decisions based on accounting information about the future development of the company, the further business steps, that is why it is even more important for the accounting information to be provided on time and accurate.

A good accountant, with their knowledge and experience, helps an entrepreneur to identify and possibly to prevent business risks, guides an entrepreneur to make the right investments in the company, and co-creates the business development with their suggestions, based on accounting information. Therefore, a good accountant is not just someone, who skillfully plays with numbers and makes business statements of a company, but also participates in the process of making decisions in the development of the company and displays with their knowledge, how the company will be able to do business based on the expected results. Therefore, it is essential nowadays for every good accountant to act professionally, with timely and accurate information, in order to realize the vision and goals of the company.


Vlasta Škrinjar



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