User Responsiveness to Systematic e-mail using CRM tools

No other area of marketing is developing faster than digital marketing. Consequently, keeping up with digital concepts and their active use remains a top priority and the greatest challenge of modern marketing

As a channel for marketing, e-mail helps build and solidify relationships with users and improves awareness between the organization and recipient. For a successful e-mail marketing campaign, it is important to establish a database of users that represent the target audience of the organization. The database is composed of a large amount of data about the users, which allows us to create a custom experience, based on the users’ habits, needs, wishes, and motives. The quantity of data is best organized using different tools. One such tool is the CRM system – a customer relationship management system that optimizes the company’s external relations and improves internal communication between employees and automation tools.

In the theoretical part of the thesis, we first touched on digital marketing by including the concept of e-mail marketing within marketing channels. Afterwards, we presented the process of preparing a marketing strategy and precisely recognized the definition, role, and personalization of digital messages. Furthermore, we explained the meaning of CRM systems in communication via e-mail and the added value they can create.

In the research part, we presented the company that was the result of our research and recognized its needs after implementing the CRM system. Based on these, we extracted the relevant parameters and prepared a comparison between two CRM tools. What followed was an explanation of the impact of implementing the CRM system on building the company’s resilience, as a result of the COVID-19-related events that we witnessed. In the final part, we presented the e-mail marketing campaign that we prepared in Company X. It helped us determine the response of users to the systematic e-mails that were sent using CRM tools, and how they compare to the traditional sending of e-mails using the Google platform.


Ana Mari Höchtl



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