The first European digital library
of book trailers and adult creativity expressions
Internal Newsletter
State of the art of the project
Hello EU-READ&ART partners,
The end of the month has almost arrived and we’ve put together an update on the progress of the project.
Currently on our digital library a total of 57 book trailers can be found, but as you can see the number of contributions it’s not balanced among partners.
N° of Book trailers published per partner
VHS 20
A similar situation appears on our blog where a total of 15 posts can be found. Only 2 published this month.
In the last 28 days our site traffic has grown by 21.7%
Our next goal is to increase the number of book trailers published per partner. Moreover, let’s not forget to animate our collaborative blog trying to publish more and more posts.
Therefore I include the tutorials for everyone to be able to upload contents on the website. If you are having trouble understanding something, please reach me out, I’ll be glad to help you.
News about the project
The first EU-READ&ART Reading Lab by JUMP
Along the project, each partner will organize “Reading Labs” with adult learners at the local level. On 19/05 Jump organized an international literary and multilingual laboratory, the first out of 5 workshops planned along the
summertime, where extracts from classical books, sensorial activities and a final reading of the book of a local writer were combined. We can’t wait to hear about your local meetings!
New section on the website: “People”
Please send to the pictures of the team that composes your organization in order to complete this new section of the website.
How to contribute to the website
Find your credentials here
Tutorial on how to upload a book trailer by Pietro S. (Web Master)
Tutorial on how to publish an article by Pietro S. (Web Master)
News on the blog
Coming soon: the first EU-READ&ART Reading lab on 19th may in Soverato with JUMP Association written by JUMP
Don’t forget to follow and share our facebook page and youtube channel
Thanks for your time and effort
Project financed by the Erasmus Plus Program
EC Project Number 2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000035334\1
Period of implementation: 2020 – 2023