Jacques Prévert is one of the most loved poets by young people of all time. A poet who broke the barriers of the elite managing to make himself understandable to everyone. The poet of the most read and recited poems in the world and repeatedly defined as the singer of love. For Jacques Prévert, Love is the only salvation in the world: it is not a simple love without obstacles, but that of the poet is a love full of facets, but always sought after.
Jacques Prévert is a particular, unique author and his poems are very engaging and passionate but also moving and heartbreaking.
For those who love Paris like me, they cannot fail to read and appreciate this French author, one of the best known and loved of the twentieth century.
This anthology speaks not only of love, but also of the city of Paris, of nature, of Prévert’s friendships and of his life.
Each poem contains a bit of the poet’s soul and life and by reading them we can understand that for Prévert, love is the only salvation in the world and that it is not right to chain or force it and whoever tries to subdue it loses it inexorably. We must leave him free, a great teaching for us today too.
Poems make you dream, imagine distant times and places, some are so poignant and moving that we can even recognize each other.
This collection was published after the war and in a certain way it was the help that the poet wanted to give to the Parisian soldiers to soothe and console their wounded souls, to try to give these people a moment of comfort.
The theme of love often recurs in the author’s words, he describes it in various ways and forms, always giving a different interpretation and we too can give it our own personal meaning. A torn, lost, found, wounded, denied, cancelled, cruel, stupid, tender love. To those who seek it, to those who chase it, to those who have forgotten it.
Prévert launches with these poems an invitation to reflection, on life, on friendship and love relationships and on the relationship with others.
A must read.