On february 23rd 2023, in “Don Sturzo” school, in Grottaglie (province of Taranto), a reading lab took place with the students and teachers of basic Italian classes, middle school and secondary school. Main guest: prof. Mario Guadagnolo, former Mayor of the city of Taranto, writer of several books. More info: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Guadagnolo

Pasquale Nesca started presenting the Euread&art Erasmus
project, showing on the dashboard the online project site and
some of the work already done. Everybody showed entusiasm
about the project and also prof. Mario Guadagnolo said it has
been a great and beautiful idea that can help people, especially students, to implement their will of book reading. Then prof Guadagnolo explained the several genres of books that a writer can write and he said that he never wrote poetry’s books but he wrote several history and biography’s books. He said that to write this kind of books you have to go to libraries and archieves because everything has to be true and proved. He wrote also a novel, but in this case he started the book from a true story (the dead of his nephew) but than he continued using mainly his fantasy.

So that he showed some of his books, one about Taranto History, another about the name of the streets in Taranto (explaining who were the people that gave their names to roads and squares), one more about all the Mayors of Taranto and what have they done for the city, an auto biography and the biography of a war heroe from Taranto, a book about the Taranto’s military factory (“Arsenale Militare di Taranto”) and several more. People were attracted and were listening in silence and when prof Guadagnolo asked them to make some questions, some africans said they were deluded of the italian life because they thought it would be better. Prof Guadagnolo told them that the more books they would read, the better life they could have in the future. Another student, a secondary school one, said that Garibaldi was a criminal and history was not true. Prof Guadagnolo warned him and all of us about the fake news published on the web and on the social media. The day after the meeting prof Guadagnolo published on his facebook page the video of the meeting and expressed all his gratitude for having been invited. Said the Euread&art project was an excellent project that could help students to love more reading books.


Mr. Pasquale Nesca



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