Make Me an Offer I Can’t Refuse

Gain greater compensation; shatter the glass ceiling; find employment; and negotiate a pay increase.Ladies in business, pay attention. You CAN […]
I Quattro Accordi – The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of healers and raised in rural Mexico. The family anticipated that Miguel […]
Everything is ready for the MULTIPLIER EVENT organized in Italy by JUMP

“EU-READ&ART – reading, nature and creativity as stress management tools for teachers “ is the title of the Multiplier event […]
Film Art: An Introduction

Film is an art form with a language and an aesthetic all its own. Since 1979, David Bordwell and Kristin […]
“Fleur de sel”, a treasure of nature.

The book “Le sel à petits pas” (The salt in small steps) guides children and all kinds of curious readers […]
Analysis and Comparison of Sustainable and Conventional Websites

The web and websites consume much more energy and resources than users are aware of. The Internet is very polluting […]
Lessico Famigliare – Natalia Ginzburg

“Lessico Famigliare” (Family Lexicon) by Natalia Ginzburg, was written in a few months between October 1962 and February 1963 and […]
L’eroina del caos

«I have enjoyed my whole life, despite what they say about the asylum. I have enjoyed life because I also […]
Blue is the sky, Blue is the sea, Blue is her skin.

The very existence of libraries is the best proof that we can have hope for the future of man’ . […]
The woman who sang love

“Nothing is sweeter than love, every other happiness is second; from the mouth I also spit out honey.” (Nosside) /*! […]