A simple author for a simple book

“A me piace il mio lavoro perché amo parlare con la gente, l’essere umano è una cosa che a […]
A strange man in a strange world

‘L’Étranger’ is a novel written by Albert Camus in 1942. The title of this work has an ambiguous […]
Cats will rule the world!!!

Why do humans love cats? They are beautiful, purring, intelligent pets that love and entertain us every day. Even the […]
Taranto: “The Beauty and the Beast”

Taranto: the city of the two seas, where past and future interwine constantly … the siderurgical town and its […]
Exploration around the Ignalina region

The acquaintance and friendship always take time, to ensure that neither quality of work nor quality of life is affected. […]
Meeting of partners in Ignalina

The project „EU-READ&ART“is moving forward. Until now, remotely developed the project and blessed to start in the same way, project […]
The first collaboration with a local school in Italy

EU-READ&ART comes across as a common space to work together in Europe. The educational sector, including all European and overseas schools, can […]